The Laufer Law Firm focuses in the area of real estate. We pride ourselves in using our extensive knowledge and superior service to assist with our client’s transactional needs.
We here at the Laufer Law Firm know that buying/selling real estate is not everyone's area of expertise. Our legal staff is here to offer guidance to you throughout the entire process to protect your interests. Each member of our staff has extensive training and experience in the real estate field and brings his or her own unique talents to the firm. The Laufer Law Firm represents clients involved in transactions of all price ranges from a modest, starter home to large estates.
We handle all your real estate needs, including the following:
• Contract review
• Contract preparation
• Title examination
• Mobile homes
• Bank-owned properties
• Deed transfers
• Auctioned properties
• Representing Lenders
• Leases
• Rent to Own
It is our desire that buying and selling property will be an enjoyable experience for you.
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Title Insurance and You
Title Insurance Rate Calculator
Steps to Buying a Home